Ernie's Bayou Bassets

Welcome to Ernie's Bayou Bassets.

Located in South Louisiana, a short drive from Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and Mississippi

About Us

We have been breeding and raising Basset Hounds on our small country estate near Baton Rouge, Louisiana, since 1998. We started with one Basset and now have four adults - three females and one male: Rosie, Buford, Sadie, and Freida. We are a member of the Basset Hound Club of America. Their website is a great resource for information about Basset Hounds as well as advice about training your new puppy.

We have a large family and our Bassets are regularly socialized with children and adults. Our dogs are happy, healthy, and well cared for. They are provided with excellent shelter and have plenty of room for exercise. Our puppies are AKC registered and recieve their first round of vaccintions and at least one worming on site. All pups are checked by a vet before being placed in a home. Although our Basset Hounds are show quality, we only sell them as pets and do not limit registration.

For Perspective Basset Owners

Before placing a puppy in a home we talk to a perspective buyer about what their expectations are from their new family member in order to decide if this is the right decision for them. Before adopting a Basset Hound, you should research the breed to deicide if it is the right breed for you. Basset Hounds are dossel, laid back, low energy dogs that make great pets, but because they are hounds they require a closed in space. They are great with children but not very useful as guard dogs. They are very intelligent but strong willed, and training them requires a lot of patience and consistency. As with all puppies, these are babies, and they require a lot of time and love, as well as a clean place to live, proper nutrition, and good medical care. Basset Hounds love people and hate to be alone, so be prepared to spend a lot of time with them. If they are happy then you will be, too.

When you are considering whether or not you can afford a puppy, please factor in medical care in addition to the purchase price, food, toys, additional moving costs, kenneling while you are on vacation, carpet cleaning, replacing items damaged while you are in the training process, and, since we're talking about hounds here, who like to wander, the possibility of having to bail your buddy out of the pound.